Jobs verses Buisness

                       JOB VERSES BUISNESS

 If you think about the job vs business debate, both sides have equal supporters but in the present world, we have positively seen the rise of entrepreneurship over employment. But opening a business is not everyone’s cup of tea and to start your own business, you will need some practical training that a job can provide you with. If you are aiming for financial security, a job is a better reliable option while for those ready to take risks, business seems enticing. Here we bring you all the job vs business differences, which is better, benefits of job vs business, challenges, quotes, amongst others.

What is Job? 

There is no one particular definition for a job. It can be best identified as a part-time or full-time piece of work or employment. It can be easily recognised as a responsibility or duty for a specific kind of work. A job gets you a predetermined salary. However, the most important characteristic of a job is that there is always a person who is superior to us and that person determines our salary or the remuneration we will be paid for our work. 

Doing a job or working in a job essentially means that we are working for someone. There is a boss above us, who assigns us the work we need to do in our job.

What is a Business?

The best definition of a business is that it is an organisation that has a professional, commercial and non-commercial objective. A business is a collection of two or more people who work towards achieving a common goal. It can also be just one person. A business organisation can either be profit-oriented or non-profit oriented. 

If you are running or doing a business, means that you are the boss. The success of your business wholly depends on you and your hard work. You can decide anything and everything about your business. 

Job vs Business Comparison

Job vs Business

Now let us compare a job and business on single factors.


  • If you work in a job, you will not receive any profit or share from the profit which your organisation will incur. You will just receive your fixed salary.
  • If you run your own business, all the profits which are earned will come to you directly.


  • In a job, you do not have a risk to be afraid of. The only risk you have is of termination.
  • Businesses have more risk associated with them. The risk has to be incurred by the owner of the business.


  • In a job, you are working towards the vision of your boss. 
  • If you do a business, you are working towards your own vision. 

Motivation Factor

  • The motivation factor behind a job is bonuses, rewards and promotions. 
  • However, the motivation factor in a business is success, profit and goodwill. 


  • The growth in a job is limited. The only growth you get is when you get promoted from your post.
  • A business helps you grow in many ways. 

What are the Benefits of Having a Job?

The market is witnessing tremendous growth technologically as well as financially. As a result, there are booming job opportunities sprouting along with promising prospects for those planning to begin their own ventures. Here are the advantages of working as an employee at a full-time job:

  • Exposure
    The best part about working in a full-time job is that you will get complete exposure of a diverse environment and organisational culture.
  • steady source of income
    Along with the financial security of receiving a fixed monthly salary, there are other additional benefits such as bonuses, insurance, etc. When it comes to jobs vs business, Your excellent performance can earn you promotions to help you progress further in your career.
  • Added perks
    In scores of companies, employees are awarded paid holidays, vacations and work recognition in terms of monetary as well as non-monetary incentives.
  • Working hours
    Lastly, there are fixed work hours provided by every company and in the remaining hours, you have the freedom to follow your other interests.
  • No need for strategies
    When you are working in a job, you do not need to think of strategies or take stress. You are shown the way by your boss or the person above of you. Strategies are presented to you by your boss or team leader and you have to follow it and take it in the right direction. 
  • A Place for Showing Skills

Working in a job gets you the opportunity to meet new people and work in a different place. When working in a job, there are different people around us and the level of interaction is a lot. While meeting new people you can exhibit your skills and always learn something new from them.

  • Holidays and Vacation

A job helps you get a routine and your life gets set in it. In a job, the working time and working days are definite. The schedule of your workdays does not change unless there is a special circumstance. Similarly, your holidays or days of vacation are fixed. You can always plan your holidays knowing in advance when you can go or when you have a holiday.

  • Easy to Plan A Life

With a fixed salary and a fixed work routine, managing your life and finances is very easy. Knowing the amount of remuneration you will get and following the routine you have, you can plan your life ahead easily. There is no uncertainty or risk involved.

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